Saturday, January 19, 2008

The old me

Where is the old me?
The person I used to be,
The one who I might respect,
Maybe even like a little,
Where is he?

Where is the old me?
One so innocent and naive,
Looking at a world full of adventure,
And tales that go on forever,
Full of dreams and life,
Where can he be?

Where is the old me?
When he speaks it is only truth,
When he smiles it is sincere,
When he laughs the world laughs with him,
Trials and error matter not to him,
I cannot find him anymore.

I do not know where he is,
Be he still alive or is completely dead,
When in the mirror I might see him again,
If not for the monster there....

Friday, January 11, 2008

Alone in the night

What a night it has been,
Cool and dark and still,
My eyes are tired,
My fingers are heavy,
To sleep I am very keen.

What a night it has been,
To think of things to think off,
To dream with my eyes open,
To see what has never been seen,
And all that from a night which has been.

What a night it has been,
Alone here I type,
About this night,
Which has been,
Like the night before,
And forever more...