Friday, August 29, 2008

Bring a change

Do you not want to bring a change?
Something that will make things better?
Do you not want to give meaning?
To some things which are important to you?

Then bring a change,
Be that force which shapes things,
You can do it I know,
Because you have changed too...

The grumpy old man

Why, back in my days..
Says the grumpy old man,
So he says about the days,
When he was young.

Why, back in my days..
Says the grumpy old man,
The world was a better place,
When he was young.

Why, back in my days..
Says the grumpy old man,
The people were nicer,
When he was young.

Why, back in my days..
Says the grumpy old man,
There was not much worry and suffering,
When he was young.

Why, back in my days..
Says the grumpy old man,
I would not stand for this,
When he was young.

I am young...

Monday, August 18, 2008

End of the light

I feel so tired,
Like I can't go on,
But go on I must,
If for nothing else, just myself.

One day I will take the stand,
And what will I say then?
Have I done my best?
Did I pass the test?

Oh surely I would regret then,
If I gave up now,
So no matter how I fall,
I'll stand up again.

Though tears may fill my eyes,
And sorrow drown my heart,
And weariness eats my soul,
I will take that stand, mercy...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I win

I think there are things which I should be,
But when I look at me I am not,
And yet when I stop to think I am happy,
I win.

There are some things which upset me,
Painful and bitter they are,
But as I accept them patiently,
I win.

If you say to me "Something is wrong with this world",
Hard for me to say "You're wrong",
But as life take it's turn and twirl,
I win.

I may be better than no one,
And yet I race on in life,
Because at the end of the line I know,
I win.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The impossible dream

Sometimes I dream of the impossible dream,
Grand in it's majesty and awesome is it's nature,
Then I wake up...