Thursday, October 30, 2008

The lightning

We were born in the darkness,
And saw nothing around us,
We did not care for what is out there,
For we did not know anything existed.

Then came the lightning,
For a brief moment there was light,
We saw ourselves, where we are, and what we could be,
We saw hope and we saw opportunity.

Then as soon as it came it disappeared,
And we plummeted again into the darkness,
But our heart never did,
For in that brief moment it has changed.

For that brief moment we saw the future,
For that brief moment we had relief,
For that brief moment we were happy,
For that brief moment we learned to hope.

And so the darkness brought despair,
And with it loneliness,
For finally we couldn't bear,
Being in the darkness.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A life pass by

I see a life pass by,
dragging by the hour,
and isn't funny he complains,
he has no time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thinking of nothing

Thinking of nothing is so hard to do,
With all the things I'm going through,
mygosscon, fuesb and st too,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

To dream

I have a dream,
But that dream is so far away...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Waking from slumber

The giant is slowly waking up,
the threat is looming great,
in it's shadow fear shall reign.