Saturday, December 12, 2009

A happy man

A happy man sits here,
and tries his best to type,
tired to the bone he is,
oh what a happy man.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I feel a breeze

It has been tiring all this time,
All the running and the shouting,
But things are finally slowing down,
I feel a breeze.

Harshness has conditioned me,
Made me harder than before,
But this hardness has a price,
I feel a breeze.

I want to always change for the better,
And want every advantage I can get,
But some changes has made be bitter,
I feel a breeze.

The nice cool breeze reminds me of better times,
When the heart was warm and forgiving,
Always hoping for the best in everything,
Oh to be young again... I feel a breeze.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Inspiration, motivation, dedication,
Things that I wish I have got,
But uninspired in my occupation,
I'm starting to feel like I rot.

Sitting here idly,
Just surfing all day long,
I start to feel self pity,
For one who used to be so strong.

All the responsibilities I carry,
Heavy upon weary shoulders,
My mind so full of worry,
About what's in the mind of others.

I wish I could see a light there,
Right at the end of the tunnel,
But I am afraid to pay my fare,
Because it just might be my funeral.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Death of the artist

Long I have feared this day would come,
When ideas no longer bloom,
And every inch of inspiration,
Is a struggle full of gloom.

Myself as an artist is dying,
Killed slowly by the mundane things I do,
I should have sat longer praying,
For my soul is in need of help too.

As I become weaker and more feeble,
My hopes begin to dim,
Every thought makes my brain tremble,
As things look more grim.

How I long for the days of youth,
Wasted and withered away,
I was a fool back then I know,
Because nothing is here to stay.

As I slowly stand up again on my feet,
My knees creak and crack,
But I shall not admit defeat,
I know one day I'll be back.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The hidden treasures

Do you know of the hidden treasures?
Kept safe from every person,
No one knows how much it's worth,
But it's more than you could ask for.

Do you know the value of patience?
Or the strength of silence?
Do you feel the warmth of friendship?
Or the satisfaction of content?

What is the value of your hidden treasures?
You yourself do not know,
Add more to it today,
So that you'll be pleased tomorrow.