Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Try to be the best

Should I be the best?
Or should I just follow the rest?
I'm gonna try
Till the day I die
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happiness by choice

There are so many choices in life,
Always with consequences,
Should it make you sad or happy?
That is also your choice.

Some choose to live happily,
And they see the silver lining in every cloud,
They live a joyful and eventful life,
Because they choose to be.

Some choose to live miserably,
They think that it was not their fault,
The world is to blame for their condition,
The misery will never stop.

Because if you choose not to choose,
Then forever you will be a victim of your own self,
For the price of laziness is not just comfort,
You will pay it with life.