Friday, June 3, 2011

In this fifteen minutes

What can I say in this fifteen minutes?
Something to take your breath away?
Or more lamentations,
Of a man long gone astray.

Looking for inspiration,
Something that might help,
Help in any way at all,
Not another energy sap.

There is some use in relaxing a bit,
You know you deserve it,
Eyes feeling sleepy again,
Why oh why...

Soon my time will be up,
And nothing much I have done,
Next week is a new week,
Hope it'll be a better one.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

State of regret

There are so many things which I can regret to,
All the things which I've tried to do,
Every little thing that went wrong,
and still dwells in my heart the pain.

There are so many things which I think of and cringe,
All the mistakes I've ever made,
From all the many weaknesses which I have,
It seems never ending.

Oh my God have mercy on me,
Forgive me for all that I've done,
And grant me strength so that I may,
Forgive myself today.