Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Man in the desert

Every where I look, it's just miles and miles of sand,
The scorching sun above my head,
I don't know whether to go on or turn back,
All there is is miles and miles of sand.

How did I get myself to this place,
What happened to the lush vegetation and shade,
Why am I stuck in this place,
With nothing but miles and miles of sand.

I think I'm going crazy with all this sand,
They mean nothing to me,
Every step I take is more of the same,
Miles and miles of sand..

If there was a road, at least I can follow it,
If there was a trail at least I know someone's been there,
But I am all alone here and now,
In the desert miles and miles of sand.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ain't he lucky

Ain't he lucky,

The man who does besides Me,

Because he's happy