Monday, December 9, 2013

To break the mold

The rich gets richer,
The poor gets poorer,
The fit gets fitter,
The fat gets fatter,
That is momentum of our lives,
That is how we normally live.

But it doesn't have to be that way,
You could turn it around the other way,
You could control the outcome of your life,
But it would be the fight of your life.

It would take a lot of energy,
It would take a lot of effort,
It would cause a lot of grief and anger,
It could be the end of you.

But things won't get better if you don't do it,
Things won't improve if you don't face it,
You have to stand up and completely beat it,
Or it will overcome and completely beat you.

Look for strength in hope and prayer,
Look for support from your progress each day,
You can make it if you stick to it,
And once you've turned it around...

The rich gets richer,
The fit gets fitter,
And you... live the life you deserve...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Same old me

I am sitting here today,
Contemplating my life,
Reading back my own thoughts,
Of years gone past.

I am still here today,
Uninspired and bored as ever,
I wish things could be different,
But still a wish is only a wish.

Now I have 5 kids,
More people who rely on me,
And as ever I feel,
I feel sorry for them.

Oh God would you forgive me?
For all my indulgence and sin,
And being self centered,
And always following my whims.

Oh wife would you ever forgive me?
For neglecting my responsibilities,
My promise to take care of you,
And to make you happy.

Oh kids would you ever forgive me?
For being tired and angry all the time,
And not being able to be your best friend,
And the model you could look up to.

Oh my friends would you ever forgive me?
For failing to fulfill your trust,
And in doing so gave effect,
To your livelihood and happiness.

Oh myself could you forgive me?
For failing to live your dream,
And always being a disappointment,
In absolutely everything.

So many wrongs I have done,
Even though I am nothing,
How big the damage would have been,
If I had been someone.

I'm sorry